Pedagogy, Classroom Management, Curriculum Development, Assessment, Communication, Collaboration; you're an expert in these areas, but do you struggle to learn about the new technology that was placed in your classroom?

If you are reading this post, thank you first. Second, I am not doling out expert advice here. Instead, I would love to hear about your experiences with maker technology in your classroom.
As the Founding Executive and now Operations Director at Mixxer Community Makerspace, I have heard many stories of classroom technology that is nonfunctioning and/or perplexing to the teacher, from unfamiliarity to apathy for the technology to damaged equipment that can't be sent to a repair shop. I founded Venture Cats, Inc. in response to those stories. As I begin this venture, my market research includes learning more about current conditions in classrooms across the Southeast US.
Please share your stories with me by emailing:
I look forward to learning with you.